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The Maltese Falcon 75th Anniversary (1941) presented by TCM

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How long is The Maltese Falcon 75th Anniversary (1941) presented by TCM?
The Maltese Falcon 75th Anniversary (1941) presented by TCM is 2 hr long.
What is The Maltese Falcon 75th Anniversary (1941) presented by TCM about?
This beloved classic will be accompanied by special commentary from TCM hosts Robert Osborne or Ben Mankiewicz, who will provide insight, background and more, making this film come alive. A gallery of high-living lowlifes will stop at nothing to get their sweaty hands on a jewel-encrusted falcon. Detective Sam Spade (Humphrey Bogart) wants to find out why – and who’ll take the fall for his partner’s murder. An all-star cast including Sydney Greenstreet, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre and Elisha Cook Jr. joins Bogart in this crackling mystery masterwork, written for the screen from Dashiell Hammett’s novel and directed by John Huston. Nominated for three Academy Awards® including Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Greenstreet) and Best Screenplay (Huston), this classic film catapulted Bogart to stardom and launched Huston’s directorial career, all with a bird and a bang!