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Autoimmune Disease Caused by Leaky Gut

Leaky gut theory is one theory that explains how the origins of autoimmune diseases occur. This theory says that the cause of autoimmune diseases is closely related to leakage of the digestive system of the patient. Not all researchers agree with this theory but I think is good for knowledge.

Leaky gut or leakage stomach, intestine leak or leaks digestive system. While the term syndrome Leaky Gut is a condition that is also referred to as increased permeability of the intestine where the "network" in your digestive tract will be broken which allows the protein (such as gluten), bad bacteria, and particles of undigested will get into your blood stream. In dept definition about what is leaky gut you can found it here:

Autoimmune Disease Stages that caused by Leaky Gut

1. Stress

Stress is the beginning of the problems, stress both emotionally and physiologically.

2. The hormone cortisol is high

Stress increases cortisol levels and requires a lot of nutrients.

3. Inflammation

Stress and high cortisol causes inflammation.

4. Expenses were high for the immune system

High cortisol levels and inflammation so much burden on the immune system.

5. Wall leaky gut

Inflammation in the long term cause leaky gut lining.

6. Particles of food

Food particles will leak past the intestinal walls into the blood flow.

7. Sensitive to food

This happens because the immune system treats the protein from the food as foreign objects and creates an immune reaction.

8. Inflammation increasingly become

You will get more and more due to inflammation of the food protein that is treated as a foreign object.

9. The immune system chaotic

The immune system is so disorganized and starts attacking itself.

10. creates autoimmune diseases

Most researchers believe that this is the root cause of the autoimmune disease.

Aside from the stress of other causes of leaky gut them

1. Unhealthy diet

An unhealthy diet leads to a lack of essential nutrients for the body.

2. Excess toxin

Every day we must have contact with chemicals, soaps, detergents medicines, water, dyes, pesticides and others.

3. The imbalance of bacteria in the body

In the body there are good bacteria (probiotics) and bad bacteria, an imbalance of bacteria in the body can occur due to a lack of eating foods rich in probiotics, using tap water containing chlorine and fluoride and the use of anti-biotic excessive.

How to Heal "Leaky Gut" that Cause Autoimmune?

Tidbit for us all, there is a solution to cure Leaky Gut. There are four stages are:

1. REMOVE food and the factors that damage the intestine.

2. CHANGE with healing foods.

3. FIX with certain supplements.

4. BALANCE with probiotics

Foods That Cause "Leaky Gut" Cause Autoimmune

Here are the biggest food that causes Leaky Gut by creating intestinal inflammation and bad bacteria candida:

1. Gluten

Foods that contain gluten can help improve symptoms of leaky gut. Gluten is a sticky protein that is found in most grain products including wheat and hard to digest. Leaky Gut on a diet you should avoid all foods containing gluten and wheat products.

2. Milk Dairy Cattle

Protein in cow's milk, called caseins A1, can trigger the same reaction as gluten, should therefore be avoided. In fact, casein A1 may create inflammation 26x more than inflammatory gluten!

3. Sugar

Feed yeast and bad bacteria that can damage the intestinal wall creating a leaky gut. If you will be using raw local honey sweetener is your best option but even that should be consumed in moderation in 1 tablespoon each day.

4. Sprouts that have not grown

Grains and soybeans were not grown and fermented contain phytic acid that can irritate the gut which causes Leaky Gut.

5. GMO

Genetically modified organisms containing herbicides and pesticides that damage the lining of the intestine. The results of the Journal of Environmental Science has found GMO foods destroy probiotics in the intestines and cause inflammation of the organ.

Healing Food "Leaky Gut" that Cause Autoimmune

Here is a list of foods that can be used to heal "Leaky Gut". These foods supports healing because they are easy to digest and can help improve the intestinal lining.

1. Bone Broth

Bone broth (made from scratch) provides essential amino acids and minerals, including proline, glycine and potassium that can help heal the "Leaky Gut" and improve mineral deficiencies.

2. Aquaculture Food Products

Foods rich in probiotics such as kefir, yogurt, and Amasai can help heal intestinal bacteria by destroying evil.

3. Fermented Vegetables

Try to add fermented foods like coconut kefir, kvass, sauerkraut or kimchi. This fermented foods containing probiotics is important in helping repair "Leaky Gut: that works by balancing the pH in the stomach and small intestine.

4. Vegetables Boiled / Steamed

Boiled or steamed vegetables are easy to digest and is an important part of the diet "Leaky Gut".

5. Healthy Fats

Consume healthy fats such as egg yolks, salmon, avocado, ghee and coconut oil can ease the process in the intestines and helps speed healing.

6. Fruit

Consuming 1-2 servings of fruit every day either on a diet "Leaky Gut". You can steam the apples and pears to make homemade applesauce or a fruit sauce. The fruit is best consumed in the morning, not at noon and for intake of fruit to taste.

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Supplements To Heal "Leaky Gut" that Cause Autoimmune

To treat Leaky Gut you should take special supplements to support digestive and intestinal lining to protect from further damage. Here is a gut supplements that you need to consider for consumption:

1. Probiotics (50-100 billion units per day)

Probiotics can help to re-colonize the gut with healthy bacteria.

2. Product L-glutamine powder (5 grams 2x daily)

Glutamine is an amino acid that helps improve the digestive tract, especially important for people with chronic diarrhea.

3. Digestive Enzyme Products (2 before eating)

This enzyme will increase the absorption of nutrients and help break down food particles.

4. Aloe Vera Juice / Aloe Vera (1/2 cup 3 times a day)

Aloe Vera is a healing for the digestive system.

5. Fish oil (1000 mg per day)

Fish oil contains essential fatty acids EPA / DHA reduce inflammation.

Essential oils for Leaky Gut Syndrome

Essential oils of ginger and peppermint can soothe inflammation of the intestines and supports healing Leaky Gut. Take 2 drops of essential oil of both and put in a glass of water and drunk. Also mix in 3 drops of essential oil with coconut oil and rub it into the stomach 2x a day.