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Of Lust And Desire

4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 15 ratings

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Audio CD, August 27, 2013
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Track Listings

1 Sculptor of Lust and Desire
2 Hollow
3 Passionate Pain
4 Turn the Lights On
5 The Void 'Let Me Go First'
6 The Comforter
7 The Knife
8 Reborn
9 A River Runs Through It
10 Fear Your Love
11 Epilogue

Editorial Reviews

Beginning with influences of metal, goth and progressive trance, Pride and Fall came together to combine the distinct and contrasting elements of these genres into something never heard before to spawn a refreshing and innovative surprise for the listener. Hailing from Norway, vocalist Sigve Monsen along with Per Waagen and Svien Joar Auglaend Johnsen have been dredging the depths of electronic music for fresh ideas since 2000. With the first album, Nephesh, Pride and Fall had created a new and innovative sound in the world of Futurepop. They further explored this sound in the follow up album Elements of Silence. The third album from the band, 2007's In My Time Of Dying, was recorded following a year marked by divorce, a friend's suicide, a loss in the family, and more. The experiences shaped the sound and feel of the band. Now, after years dormant, Pride and Fall returns with Of Lust and Desire, an album showing the band's growth while maintaining the styles that were loved by their fans and forged over a tumultuous decade.

Product details

  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.56 x 0.38 x 4.92 inches; 3.2 ounces
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Metropolis Records
  • Original Release Date ‏ : ‎ 2013
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ June 26, 2013
  • Label ‏ : ‎ Metropolis Records
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00DMOVIG6
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • Customer Reviews:
    4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 15 ratings

Customer reviews

4.3 out of 5 stars
15 global ratings

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Top reviews from the United States

  • Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2013
    Pride and Fall out of Stavanger, Norway, has successfully made a beautifully haunting new album after several years off! Highly recommend Of Lust and Desire, especially those who enjoy industrial, ebm, and futurepop music. Pride and Fall will be on your top band list soon!
    3 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on May 15, 2014
    Thanks to Pandora...and Amazon...I can indulge in other than mainstream music. This song and many others by this artist ROCK! I couldn't wait to get my hands on this album it's great. Another gem I found on Amazon thanks to Pandora....
  • Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2017
    I loved the way Pride and Fall have played with stereo sound to create an immersive listening experience and atmosphere, but that's almost entirely gone in this album. The vocals are entirely done entirely in a single channel (other than a few tracks having extra volume in one channel, but that's hardly the depth they used to have) and are way more natural sounding than their previous albums. I felt like the lyrics also missed out on the soul they used to have. I'd describe the experience as listening to a hollow shell of a Pride And Fall album.
  • Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2013
    Let me start off by saying that I have been a huge Pride and Fall fan for years, probably one of my top 5 favorite groups. I worked in a music store a while back and grabbed a promotional copy of Nephesh before it was released, from that moment on I was instantly hooked. Every CD afterwards was purchased as soon as I could get my hands on it (just the same as this one). I could hardly wait to hear what new hooks and complex changes awaited my lucky ears. But alas, the new CD left me wondering what happened to this magnificent group.

    The production on this album was surprisingly not that good, the audio quality is levels below any of the other albums. It feels as though this was rushed and is missing the normal depth and complexity of any CD before it. I had purchased the Dependent Records 2012 disc to get the track Reborn, and the audio difference between Reborn on that disc and the version on Of Lust and Desire is dramatic. I was not expecting for this to sound like a bunch of other common music out there, but surprisingly it does. It is still probably better than most of the other "similar" music that is out there but I was expecting a whole lot more from Pride and Fall. Turn the Lights On is the best track on the CD and almost gets it, but the chorus looses me an feels like it doesn't belong with that song. Needless to say I was very disappointed, hopefully this album is just a tune up for future music and they are rusty after not putting anything out for a while. Oh well, I still have three phenomenal Pride and Fall CD's to listen to.
    6 people found this helpful
  • Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2014

Top reviews from other countries

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  • piotr1
    5.0 out of 5 stars Of Lust And Desire
    Reviewed in Germany on October 13, 2023
    Płyta dotarła przed wyznaczonym terminem . Jestem bardzo zadowolony z transakcji . Szczególnie moją uwagę przykuły utwory :,,Hollow",,,The Comforter",,,Fear Your Love" i ,,Epilogue" .
  • Caroline
    5.0 out of 5 stars Sympa !
    Reviewed in France on March 30, 2016
    Album très gothique à souhait que je ne me lasse nullement d'écouter... J'envisage donc d'acheter d'autres albums de ce groupe.
  • Duke
    4.0 out of 5 stars Welcome back!
    Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 18, 2014
    It's great to see Pride & Fall back. This is a good album which sounds ace on my 5k system. It's not as fat and swelling as In My Time Of Dying; there is a different, cleaner presentation here, a sign of a different recording studio.

    I'm not so keen on the white noise/corrupted instrumental parts, but that's a personal thing. Overall, a mature effort. Great, dark synth music.

    Tracks 3 and 4 are superb and should be singles!
  • Valerii Vyachistyi
    5.0 out of 5 stars alles in Ordnung ist!
    Reviewed in Germany on January 19, 2016
    -=Guten Tag=-
    gute Stimmung !
    der Deal war ausgezeichnet !
    Produkt entspricht der Beschreibung ! !
    meine Empfehlung ! ! !
  • Oliver
    4.0 out of 5 stars Herbstmusik
    Reviewed in Germany on September 10, 2013
    Eher zufällig bin ich darüber gestolpert, dass Pride and Fall nach 6 langen Jahren ein neues Album veröffentlichen. Aufgrund der ersten drei habe ich blind vorbestellt und lausche nun seit einer Woche dem 4. Werk.

    Eines gleich vorneweg - die Stimme von Sänger Sigve Monsen sucht nachwievor seinesgleichen. Tief, sonor, gleichzeitig aber mit einer Traurigkeit und Aggressivität durchzogen ist sie die treibende Kraft hinter der Faszination "Pride and Fall".

    Die Tracks selbst sind wieder etwas ruhiger und erinnern an die ersten beiden Alben "Nephesh" und "Elements Of Silence". Das bislang letzte Album "In My Time Of Dying" war sehr schwer, nicht zuletzt durch die persönlichen Schicksale innerhalb der Band beinahe erdrückend depressiv und nicht für jedermann sofort zugänglich. Gleichzeitig strahlte es aber eine enorme Faszination aus, die nun wieder gemäßigteren Tönen gewichen ist. Prinzipiell ist das nicht schlecht: Man ist mit "Of Lust And Desire" wieder geneigter, die CD auch abseits von schlechtem Wetter einzulegen und einfach zu genießen, ohne von der musikalischen Stimmung direkt mit eingesogen zu werden.

    Was erwartet uns nun auf dem 4. Album? Ich bin etwas zwiegespalten. Tracks wie das enorm melodische "Hollow", das gefaucht-traurige "Turn The Lights On", mein Lieblingstrack "The Comforter" oder die überraschend gute Ballade "A River Runs Through It" - die Jungs beweisen, dass sie es einfach drauf haben. Und trotzdem neige ich dazu, manch andere Titel lieber zu überspringen, weil sie zu belanglos wirken. "Reborn" ist da mein bestes Beispiel. An sich nicht schlecht, kann man gut hören, will aber einfach nicht zünden.

    Insgesamt fühlt sich das Album an, als hätte man die drei Vorgängeralben genommen, in einen Topf geworfen, geschüttelt und unten ist am Ende "Of Lust And Desire" rausgekommen. Es vereint alle Vorzüge der drei Vorgänger, strahlt eine angenehme Professionalität aus, verliert sich aber stellenweise in Belanglosigkeit.

    Aufgrund der sehr guten genannten Titel vergebe ich gerne 4 von 5 Sterne. Für den 5. fehlt mir aber der Flow, das Album einfach durchlaufen lassen zu können, ohne einen Titel zu überspringen.