This card is great for improved security when paying at the pump. Using it will prevent skimming devices from capturing one of your credit card numbers. If your Speedy Cash number is captured, the thieves will only have access to whatever value is on your card, and would only be able to use it at Speedway. This card is re-loadable, which is especially great for Seedy Rewards members. You will get Speedy Rewards points when you re-load AND when you make purchases from the re-loaded card. Also, if you have the Speedy Rewards app on your phone, you can add your gift card and make purchases inside the store from your card balance using your phone.
Verified purchase: Yes
Buying $100 of value for $92 is just unbeatable. If you buy gas or other items at Speedway, you might as well get it for less! The reliability of the seller is important and SVM has been trustworthy for a few years, for me. This card is treated as CASH when using it at the pump and the "cash" price is charged if there are different prices for credit. This is like an investment in lower priced fuel and food or snacks.
Verified purchase: Yes
Excellent product. Love not having to use my credit or debit card at the pump. With the $8 savings per $100 purchase, it is a great bargain. Would purchase regularly if available. Card is usuable at all Speedway locations.
Verified purchase: Yes
The card was a real good deal, one hundred dollars worth of gas for $92 shipped. Used the card up when getting gas two different times and pretty much got eight dollars of free gas with it. I went through a few of these cards the last few months, and hope to be going through a few more.
Verified purchase: Yes
It measures about 2 1/8" X 3 3/8" which is pretty typical for a gift card. It's made out of a high quality feeling substrate, likely HDPE. That's nice as most communities readily accept HDPE for recycling once the card is used up. The color scheme is also attractive. The gold is classy looking. Some gift cards seem to try too hard and end up looking gaudy. Not this one. Quiet elegance could easily describe it. Anyone would be proud to carry it and it will look right at home in any wallet from Wal-Mart to Versace.
Verified purchase: Yes
Why would anyone pay full price for gas when these cards are available for an 8% discount? I have been buying these for several years and have never had a problem. I am not being paid for this review. I am an ordinary consumer just like you. I was a little hesitant to buy my first card just like you. Do it! You won't regret it. Can you afford to waste 8% by not taking advantage of this deal?
Verified purchase: Yes
Simple 100 dollars worth of gas for 92 dollars..........i appreciate the savings and never a problem using the card.
Verified purchase: Yes
Speedway is our gas station of choice, any time we can save a couple dollars why not! The card is easier to use then cash and you don't have to go inside to pay.
Verified purchase: Yes
Great for a few dollar savings at the pump. If the discount were a little larger, I would buy more. SMV does a good job for customers.
Verified purchase: Yes
With the current price of gasoline, I save about 18 cents per gallon by using these cards instead of my credit card at the gas pump. I simply buy these cards at discount with my credit card, keep one in the car, and use it instead of my credit card at the gas pump.
Verified purchase: Yes