IXL Math
Gain fluency and confidence in math! IXL helps students master essential skills at their own pace through fun and interactive questions, built in support, and motivating awards.
Pre-K See all 168 skills
Includes: |Learn to count - up to 3|Count out stickers - up to 5|Above and below|Classify and sort by shape|Shape patterns|Name the shape|Pennies and nickels|Put together numbers using cubes - sums up to 5
Kindergarten See all 354 skills
Includes: |Skip-count by tens|Squares|Subtract - numbers up to 10|Make a number using addition - sums up to 5|Count on the hundred chart
First grade See all 325 skills
Includes: |Place value models up to 20|Equal parts - 2 and 4 equal parts|Addition facts - sums up to 20|Subtract multiples of ten|Match analog and digital clocks: to the half hour
Second grade See all 330 skills
Includes: |Add and subtract numbers - up to 100|Measure using an inch ruler|Identify a digit up to the hundreds place|Create line plots|Number lines - up to 100
Third grade See all 361 skills
Includes: |Multiplication facts up to 10|Divide by counting equal groups|Show fractions: fraction bars|Create rectangles with a given area|Use strip models to solve multiplication word problems|Make arrays to model division|Graph fractions on number lines
Fourth grade See all 372 skills
Includes: |Model decimals and fractions|Classify triangles|Multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number|Multi-step word problems|Decompose fractions into unit fractions using models|Multi-step word problems with money: addition and subtraction only
Fifth grade See all 378 skills
Includes: |Graph points on a coordinate plane|Add fractions with unlike denominators|Evaluate numerical expressions|Volume of rectangular prisms made of unit cubes
Sixth grade See all 376 skills
Includes: |Graph inequalities on number lines|Understanding integers|Ratios and rates: word problems|Graph triangles and quadrilaterals|Identify equivalent expressions II
Seventh grade See all 351 skills
Includes: |Multi-step problems with percents|Graph solutions to two-step inequalities|Add and subtract integers|Probability of simple events|Interpret graphs of proportional relationships
Eighth grade See all 367 skills
Includes: |Graph a line from an equation in slope-intercept form|Pythagorean theorem: find the length of the hypotenuse|Reflections: graph the image|Identify trends with scatter plots
Algebra 1 See all 376 skills
Includes: |Solve a system of equations by graphing|Solve linear equations: complete the solution|Graph a two-variable linear inequality|Match quadratic functions and graphs
Geometry See all 301 skills
Includes: |Prove similarity statements|Construct a perpendicular line|SSS, SAS, ASA, and AAS Theorems|Checkpoint: Definitions of geometric objects|Special right triangles|Angles formed by chords, secants, and tangents
Algebra 2 See all 378 skills
Includes: |Match polynomials and graphs|Graph sine and cosine functions|Transformations of functions|Graph a discrete probability distribution|Find the foci of an ellipse
Precalculus See all 305 skills
Includes: |Solve matrix equations using inverses|Absolute values of complex numbers|Add vectors|Radians and arc length|Find probabilities using the normal distribution I
Calculus See all 90 skills
Includes: |Determine if a limit exists|Make a piecewise function continuous|Find tangent lines using implicit differentiation|Velocity as a rate of change|Intermediate Value Theorem
Integrated 1
Includes: |Solve linear equations: complete the solution|Solve a system of equations by graphing|Checkpoint: Compare data sets|Construct a perpendicular line