{ "prefetch": [ { "where": {"and": [ {"href_matches": "/*"}, { "not": { "href_matches": "/auth/view/signin*" } } ]}, "eagerness": "moderate" } ] } 2 in. x 2 in. x 8 ft. Premium S4S Cedar Lumber 226573 - The Home Depot
#1 Home Improvement Retailer

    Internet # 202086386

    Model # 226573

    Store SKU # 226573

    2 in. x 2 in. x 8 ft. Premium S4S Cedar Lumber

    Apply Now
    6 Months Everyday Financing** available on purchases of $299 or more.Apply Now
    • High-quality untreated wood can be painted to suit your decor
    • Resists decay offering years of reliable usage
    • Smoothened surfaces on all sides enhance utility
    Grove City Store
    0 in stock