Reverse Address Lookup

Search property values, deed info, owners, transactions and more!

Hint: Try searching your home, your neighbors or another address.


What is Reverse Address

Want to learn more about a home for sale without calling a realtor? Or maybe you’re curious about the neighbor who moved in across the street. Doing a reverse address lookup could give you a view into almost any property, the owner of an address and the people who live there.

With just an address, you can potentially uncover a wealth of information about the current and previous property owners, estimated home value, sales history and neighborhood safety data. You’d be surprised at the information a single search report may contain—and how many ways you can use it.

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What information can I find with Reverse Address Lookup?

BeenVerified’s Reverse Address Lookup reports may reveal useful information about an address, such as:

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Current property owner’s name and contact information, including email addresses, social media profiles, address history and potential relatives

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Names and publicly available information about possible residents

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Details about the property, including square footage, the total number of rooms, bedrooms and bathrooms, lot size and the year built

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Home value and sales history, including mortgage data and property tax assessments

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Neighborhood information, such as census figures about population, demographics and average income, as well as the possible locations of nearby registered sex offenders

You can use this info for many purposes including:

  • Research potential investment decisions when buying a home. Reverse address reports may reveal the current and previous owners’ names, past addresses, contact information, property sale details, pre–foreclosures, mortgages, loan information, census data and other useful details about the neighborhood. Having such detailed information on hand could help you research properties you may be considering investing in.
  • Reconnect with old neighbors. With a property address, you could find names and current contact information for former neighbors and old friends.
  • Get to know new neighbors. A reverse lookup may show not only the owner’s name and information but also include a list of possible residents.
  • Use the online owner address lookup. Have you ever passed a house and wondered who lives there? Doing an online address search could provide the answer quickly. Looking up an address could give you their name, age and contact information.
  • Research information about online sellers. Meeting a stranger in person to complete an online transaction can be risky. Before picking up an item from someone’s home, use a reverse address search to potentially reveal important information about the seller, including their first and last name, along with related contact info.
  • Find out more about a neighborhood. Beyond information about a property or resident, a reverse address report can tell you a lot about an area, such as average home values, household income, population demographics (including age, ethnicity and gender) and even important safety information about sex offenders who live in or near the neighborhood.
  • Update your address book. You can also use this tool for mailing address lookup to try and confirm addresses before you send out holiday cards, wedding invitations, graduation or birth announcements to long-lost family members and friends.

When you choose BeenVerified for reverse address search, you also get access to available reports (up to your plan limit) about the people who own and live in the property–all in the same platform. No need to pay for multiple websites, search options and services.

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How to use BeenVerified’s Reverse Address Lookup Tool

BeenVerified’s Reverse Address Lookup reports may reveal useful information about an address, such as:

  1. Simply begin typing someone's address into the search function. Start with the house number.
  2. Use the autofill drop-down menu to select the correct address from known search results. This begins the quick address search process which checks associated records for property details, ownership records, property deed info, sales history and tax history.
  • BeenVerified combs through multiple publicly available data sets and billions of data points to uncover the information you may need with results that include county assessor and realty records.

    • County assessor records: Property ownership, deeds and permits data for an address record.
    • Realty-focused information: Specific addresses with sales history, tax information, lien holders and loan amounts. The property reports include possible owners, residents, and phone numbers which can help to round out resident details.

BeenVerified Reverse Address Lookup can help you find the information you may need, whether you're looking to settle down in a safe neighborhood, buy the perfect home, get to know your new neighbors or just stay in touch with family and old friends.

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