Lines & Dots

Lines & Dots is a pendant light fitting in which the light, its basic element, relinquishes all its importance to the material, the metal, in this particular case working as would a sculptor.

Lines & Dots has its origins in dozens of ink drawings. From those abstract silhouettes there emerged a series of eight shapes, given form using folding rods and soldered by hand by local craftsmen. Eight different modules which are combined using the cable as a pivot. 

Sculptural light fitting that creates a contrast between shadows and light, transparency and opacity, movement and immobility and whose source of light is an adjustable led, which gives off a warm light and incorporates state of the art technology.

Produced by GOFI


Lines & Dots es una luminaria de suspensión en la que la luz, elemento básico, cede protagonismo a la materia, el metal, trabajado en este caso a la manera del escultor. 

Lines & Dots tiene su origen en decenas de dibujos en tinta sobre papel. De aquellas siluetas abstractas surgieron una serie de ocho formas, trasladadas a volúmenes mediante varilla plegada y soldada a mano por artesanos locales. Ocho módulos diferentes que se combinan utilizando el cable como eje.

Una luminaria escultural que crea contrastes entre sombras y luces, transparencia y opacidad, movimiento e inmovilidad, y cuya fuente lumínica es un led regulable, de luz cálida y última tecnología.

Producida por GOFI

© Goula/Figuera 2017