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Insta Holidays The Most Instgrammable Destinations In The World For 2019

Dec 6, 2023
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These days, it seems a given that your holiday photos are destined for social media – debuting on your Instagram feed and then auto-posting to Facebook. Often, your photos are uploaded before the people tagged in the post have even had a chance to see them.

As Instagram approaches its 9th birthday, the popular app is still setting trends and helping travellers decide where they want to visit next. In fact, a growing number of travellers choose destinations, hotels, and even restaurants based on how “Instagrammable” they are.

A few years ago, we decided to take a look at the most Instagrammed destinations in the world to find out which city is the most popular. At the time, New York was the clear winner, followed by London and then Paris.

Are those still the world’s most popular cities on Instagram, though? We decided to repeat the experiment to see what’s changed over time, and the results surprised us. This is what we found:

For 2019, the most Instagrammed destination in the world is London – beating out both Paris (in second place) and New York (third place) – despite uncertainty in the United Kingdom about Brexit.

New entrants into the top ten include Jakarta in Indonesia and Tokyo in Japan. Jakarta has been named one of the fastest growing cities in the world by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), while Japan has also enjoyed rapidly growing tourism over recent years due to relaxed visa requirements and increased flights to Japan by low-cost carriers.

Our data further drilled down into various sub-categories, with Berlin taking the top spot for the most selfied location in the world – far outranking London, which previously held the title.

Santiago in Chile took the #1 position for scenic posts, while Rio de Janeiro took the mantle of the most sexually-suggestive posts (unsurprisingly). Interestingly, Dubai took the top spot for the most popular locations for photos of couples on Instagram, beating Paris which previously held the #1 position.

One of the top categories on Instagram, however, has to be food photos, and while Phuket previously held the top position in this category, Tokyo is now the foodie favourite of the world. Interestingly, the top 10 are still dominated by Asian cuisine.

Taking a closer look at some of the most popular holiday destinations in the world, the above infographic outlines which sub-categories are most popular in each location.

While London’s Instagram photos used to mostly consist of selfies, this has now broadened to include a fair number of food and group photographs.

Food is also enormously popular in Paris, Dubai, and Istanbul. Nice, Barcelona, and Moscow all proved popular for group shots.

New York City, Los Angeles, and Barcelona all have a massive percentage of marketing posts, while Jakarta has the highest percentage of selfie images.

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