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01 / Attractions
Must-see attractions
Vancouver Island
Far more than just another pretty flower arrangement, Butchart is a national historic site and a triumph of early-20th-century gardening aesthetics. With…
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve
Vancouver Island
One in a magnificent seven of BC national parks, Pacific Rim is replete with wave-whipped beaches and brooding forests, most of them far from civilization…
Vancouver Island
This must-see longhouse-like facility proudly displays dozens of culturally priceless Kwakwaka'wakw artifacts confiscated when potlatch ceremonies were…
Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park
Vancouver Island
Home to some of BC's eldest residents, the old-growth spruce and cedar trees in this magnificent but remote park frequently exceed 1000 years of age. With…
Visible across Clayoquot Sound and accessible via kayak or water taxi from the Tofino waterfront, Meares Island was the site of the key 1984 Clayoquot…
Vancouver Island
Featuring a greatest hits of wilderness attractions as well as Vancouver Island's highest mountain, Mt Golden Hinde (2200m), Strathcona is the poster…
Situated on remote Flores Island and accessed by tour boat or kayak, Ahousat is the mystical location of the spectacular Wild Side Heritage Trail, a…
Vancouver Island
Don't be put off by the unassuming concrete exterior: this is one of Vancouver Island's best community museums. Studded with fascinating First Nations…
02 / Plan with a local

03 / Articles
Latest stories from Vancouver Island
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- ActivitiesVancouver Island's 14 best things to do will make you want to book a trip right now
Dec 26, 2021 • 8 min read
- Family TravelWhy Tofino on Vancouver Island is the perfect wellness destination
Jun 17, 2020 • 4 min read
Wildlife & NatureWhere to spot gray whales along along the Pacific coast as migration season gets in full swingFeb 11, 2020 • 2 min read
- HotelsLike Harry and Meghan, you can rent a stunning property on Vancouver Island
Jan 22, 2020 • 3 min read
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