Gary Rome
This movie has more good then bad going for it. The story is just amazing. From each character's back story to the main plot. Yeah I would have like to see a little bit more back story of some of the other charters but still. Everyone gave a killer performance even Jarrett Leto ( the joker) I have to say he made that charter his and I take my hat's off to him. I like how at the end you are trapped into the final fight cheering for the team. The only thing I can see wrong is the crappy gci they had on the main bad guy at the end that's it... This movie was better then Ghostbusters 2016. I would suggest this movie to everyone who has not seen it and if y'all have then re watch it...
106 people found this review helpful

Rubin Quarcoopome
This movie is a complete mess, a wonderful concept and cast utterly let down by a threadbare, hole-ridden script and tenuous understanding of the term "plot". Suicide Squad proved bizarrely popular, more due to incredibly well-done marketing, and a kind of confirmation bias that made many who saw it refuse to acknowledge it was anything less than a great film. The reality is this: it's not so much a film as an overlong trailer with a confused narrative. Please don't waste your time. That 25% on Rotten Tomatoes is entirely too generous. The only reason I give it 2 stars than 1, is merely to acknowledge Margot Robbie, Will Smith, and the costume department, all of whose talents are wasted on this trainwreck of a film.

All the characters were amazing. 11/10 would watch 10000 times. I totally recommend this to everyone 💕 The plot was also very creative, tho I've never heard of the Enchantress until now, I don't really care what the critics say, everyone has a different opinion and we can't change that so if you hated it, it's completely fine. I hate it when someone says "I didn't like it that much" and someone says "OMG WHY ARE YOU ALIVE ,KYS" everyone is unique in their own way(im suicide squad trash btw)
13 people found this review helpful