Made for a Sustainable Future

We were
born on the docks

Now a staple of the coastal life, Tervis tumblers were originally sold by entrepreneur John C. Winslow from dock to dock as an alternative to single-use with (made to last) much better insulation properties. Eventually, having a Tervis tumbler on your boat became a tradition — and still is. We never want a Tervis product to end up in the waters we grew up on.

It's our Responsibility

It’s Not Just The Ocean
It's our backyard

What started in 1946 as a company that made an innovative plastic tumbler became a mission to change the world. Whether we’re partnering with Florida-based marine research labs, recycling our products into other post consumer products to keep them out of landfills or doing company-wide beach cleanups, we are very protective of our oceans. We want to keep our backyard clean.

Proud Member of prAna’s
Responsible Packaging Movement

We are proud to share that Tervis has partnered with prAna and their Responsible Packaging Movement - committing to eliminate single-use plastic and virgin forest fiber from our packaging, as well as excess packaging waste in our supply chain.


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We use kraft paper instead of plastic packaging of consumer orders. Our physical plant uses 100% compostable utensils and resuseable bottle and tumbler water fountains instead of single-use bottles.

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The reuse of packaging from and to our suppliers has allowed us to reach an 84% recycle rate earning an award from the F-EPA.

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Returned, damaged and scrapped materials used in our products are ground up and used to create other products (such as park benches) instead of sending to a landfill.

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We use kraft paper instead of plastic packaging of consumer orders. Our physical plant uses 100% compostable utensils and resuseable bottle and tumbler water fountains instead of single-use bottles.

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The reuse of packaging from and to our suppliers has allowed us to reach an 84% recycle rate earning an award from the F-EPA.

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Returned, damaged and scrapped materials used in our products are ground up and used to create other products (such as park benches) instead of sending to a landfill.

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We use kraft paper instead of plastic packaging of consumer orders. Our physical plant uses 100% compostable utensils and resuseable bottle and tumbler water fountains instead of single-use bottles.

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The reuse of packaging from and to our suppliers has allowed us to reach an 84% recycle rate earning an award from the F-EPA.

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Returned, damaged and scrapped materials used in our products are ground up and used to create other products (such as park benches) instead of sending to a landfill.

Sustainable Manufacturing Facilities

Kraft Paper Packaging

Impact Tracking Water Fountains

F-DEP Award

Compostable Utensils

Kraft Paper Packaging

Impact Tracking Water Fountains

F-DEP Award

Compostable Utensils

Kraft Paper Packaging

Impact Tracking Water Fountains

F-DEP Award

Compostable Utensils

Our Sustainability Partners

Our partners are like-minded companies that we donate to for sustainability research or companies that have similar goals to us that we’ve joined forces with to offer sustainable products.