Save up to £300 per booking with code FEBSALE.
Save £300 min spend £3,500, save £200 min spend £2,000, save £100, min spend £800 or save £50, min spend £500. Spend/saving amount is per booking based on the total holiday price and the code must be applied on the ‘extras’ page of or via your local travel agent. Promo code valid for new bookings made between 8am on 05.02.25 and 11pm 04.03.25 for holidays completed by 31.10.25.
All flight prices:
One way per person, including taxes. Additional charges for baggage.
City, beach, UK one way flight prices:
Selected seats. For travel between 01.05.24 and 02.03.25 from various UK airports. All prices subject to change and limited availability.
easyJet Car Rental powered by CarTrawler:
See for further details.
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These deals are subject to limited availability and vary in payment conditions. See for further terms and conditions and additional information.
Parking price is based on the best 8 day parking price at Airparks, Birmingham, Luton and Manchester from 1st January 2017 onwards and is subject to daily change and availability. See for details.
Flight prices in external advertising:
One way per person, including taxes. Additional charges for baggage. Find out more about how our pricing works.
Flights from £20.99 one way:
Selected seats. For travel during 01.02.25 and 31.03.25. All prices subject to change and limited availability.
Fly from Luton from £17.99:
Selected seats. For travel during 01.02.25 and 31.05.25. All prices subject to change and limited availability
Canaries flights from £28 one way:
Selected seats. For travel during 01.02.25 and 31.03.25. All prices subject to change and limited availability