Last Minute Flights

Find last minute flights with eDreams

Why fly last minute?

Making last minute travel plans is often necessary. You may be required to head off on a business trip or you may simply fancy treating yourself to a relaxing last minute holiday or weekend break!

Flying last minute can also be incredibly cheap, as they often offer flights with very short notice, at the cheapest price to fill up the flight. Our flight search engine will enable you to find such deals which will let you save money for your holiday.

So, why wait? Some of the decisions we make are done on impulse and with thousands of cheap flights, eDreams has the perfect last minute flight deals for you!

How to book a last minute flight with eDreams?

Thanks to our fleet of airlines, booking cheap last minute flights with eDreams has never been easier: our speedy eDreams search engine compares thousands of cheap flights from the world's top low-cost airlines bringing you the best last minute flight deals in a simple click.

To find cheap last minute flights to anywhere, enter your dates and select the option that suits you! Find an array of filters you that adapt to your preferences: airports, timings, price and more. As well as our eDreams smart choice which will automatically select the cheapest option for you. Remember to download our App and subscribe to our newsletter for exclusive deals.

Best destinations for a last minute holiday


Find the best last minute flights to Istanbul with eDreams! East meets West in one of the most culturaly diverse cities in Europe. Istanbul offers great art, restaurants, museums, nightlife as well as stunning architecture.

Reserve cheap flights to Istanbul


One of the most famous and beautiful cities in the world, Amsterdam is a must for travellers. Canals, museums and a rich history all make the Dutch capital an amazing city to visit. Find thebest deals for flights to Amsterdam with eDtreams.

Book Cheap flights to Amsterdam


Soak up the sun with a last minute flight to Alicante! Thanks to its Mediterranean climate, it is a popular travel destination amongst the British who flock there for a break from the English weather! A dynamic city on the Mediterranean coast, Alicante features a wealth of historic monuments, beautiful beaches and great food and restaurants.

Book cheap flights to Alicante