

On Rotterdam's most happening strip, this taqueria serves tacos, ceviche, nachos and empanadas that wouldn't cut the mustard in Mexico but seem to satisfy loads of locals. In summer, the front courtyard with its colourful lights is a lovely spot in which to enjoy a well-priced meal.

Lonely Planet's must-see attractions

Nearby Rotterdam attractions

1. Showroom Mama

0.08 MILES

One of the main proponents of youth culture in Rotterdam, Showroom Mama hosts art exhibitions, performances, events and installations by aspiring…


0.13 MILES

On the ground floor of the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, this gallery stages equally impressive contemporary art shows but differs in that it…

4. Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

0.14 MILES

Children adore this museum overlooking Leuvehaven, whose permanent exhibits are emphatically kid-focused. The best of these is the 'Offshore Experience',…

5. Sylvette

0.25 MILES

Picasso's sandblasted concrete sculpture Sylvette (1970), which he designed with Norwegian artist Carl Nesjar, depicts the great artist's model and muse…

6. Santa Claus

0.28 MILES

This controversial statue of a gnome-like Santa holding what may be a pine tree but may also be a butt plug (sex toy) was designed by American artist Paul…

7. Lijnbaan

0.29 MILES

Commissioned to design 65 shops in Rotterdam's central business district in the 1950s, architects Jo Van den Broek and Jaap Bakema came up with the…

8. Bijenkorf Department Store

0.29 MILES

Legendary Bauhaus architect Marcel Breuer worked with Amsterdam-based architect Abraham Elzas on the design of this department store, which opened in 1957…