Dried flower bouquet
Lilac Blush
Lilac Blush is an everlasting dried flower bouquet that will retain its unique and natural look. This beautiful bouquet features long stems in shades of purple, spiced up with dried Indian corn, and delicate lilac phalaris. Created with the very best of dried and preserved flowers and foliage to last. Wrapped in brown kraft paper and tied with natural twine, the lilac velvet dried flower bouquet makes a great gift for any occasion.
Sizes as specified.
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Position me away from heat sources and out of direct sunlight. I don't need any water.
I don't need any water.
Keep me away from sources of moisture to ensure I don’t mould.
Remove dust with a small brush or hairdryer on a low setting.
About Lilac Blush Dried Flower Bouquet
The Lilac Blush dried bouquet is made up of Lilac Statice (Limonium sinuatum), Dried Oats (Avena), Indian Corn (Zea mays) and Canary grass, (Phalaris). Please note that each stem is unique and seasonal. To ensure you receive the highest quality bouquet, some flowers may be substituted.
Unwrap your flowers, cut the twine off and trim the stems to your desired length. Your chosen vase should be around two-thirds the height of your arrangement to ensure your bouquet is well supported. You may want to split your bouquet into a few vases to spread their colour around your house.
Dried flowers are really easy to look after and require little to no maintenance. To keep your bouquet vibrant, place it in a spot out of direct sunlight. It's also best to keep your bouquet out of your bathroom, as the condensation could weaken its stems. We recommend not moving them around too much, as this can cause petals and foliage to drop. Your bouquet will benefit from the occasional dusting with a hairdryer or a small brush. If using a hairdryer hold it a meter away from your flowers, on a cool and light setting.
Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Keep away from soft furnishings as the colour from some stems may transfer.
Oats are grown worldwide to provide a vital food staple for people in many countries. Avena sativa is commonly eaten (or taken as a medicinal supplement) for its highly-acclaimed health benefits.
Our Lilac Blush dried bouquet is available in one size: approx. 50cm x 25cm.