Find cheap bus tickets from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant

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TodayMay 15
from $27
TomorrowMay 16
from $27
FriMay 17
from $27
SatMay 18
from $27
SunMay 19
from $27
MonMay 20
from $27
TueMay 21
from $27
WedMay 22

Cheap buses leaving tomorrow

One passenger / one way

  • This trip is recommended because it is: Cheapest + Fastest
    Departure time: May 16 at
    Departure city: Montreal
    Departure location: Gare d'autocars de Montréal
    Arrival time: May 16 at
    Destination city: Mont-Tremblant
    Destination location: Saint-Jovite - Shell
    Operated by: Autobus GallandAutobus Galland
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
  • This trip is recommended because it is: 2nd Cheapest
    Departure time: May 16 at
    Departure city: Montreal
    Departure location: Gare d'autocars de Montréal
    Arrival time: May 16 at
    Destination city: Mont-Tremblant
    Destination location: Saint-Jovite - Shell
    Operated by: Autobus GallandAutobus Galland
    Vehicle: BusDuration:
Bus Montreal to Mont-Tremblant: Trip Overview

Bus Montreal to Mont-Tremblant: Trip Overview

Average ticket price$32
Average bus trip duration2h 50m
Number of daily buses2
Earliest bus departure7:30 AM
Distance64 miles (102 km)
Latest bus departure2:30 PM

Montreal to Mont-Tremblant Buses

Information on this bus route

Daily Departures2
Earliest and Latest Bus Departures7:30AM - 2:30PM
Minimum Price$26
Average Ticket Price$32
Minimum Trip Duration2h50m
Average Bus Trip Duration2h50m
Distance64 miles (102 km)
Bus Companies on This RouteAutobus Galland
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for your trip Montreal - Mont-Tremblant

Taking the bus is the best way to travel to Mont-Tremblant without a car. The bus provides a cost-effective, safe, and easy way to travel between the two cities. Taking a ride with other travelers through carpool services is an additional option to consider.

Traveling from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant takes around 2h 50m on average, although the minimum time it takes to get there is 2h 50m with the fastest bus. This is the time it takes to travel the 65 miles (104 km) that separate the two cities.

Montreal and Mont-Tremblant are 65 miles (104 km) apart.

About 2 buses travel this route daily, provided by Autobus Galland. Depending on the day of the week, the number of buses available from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant may vary. Want to make your bus journey from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant as easy as possible? Busbud has got you covered! Browse schedules, pick the perfect bus for your travel style and budget - all in one place.

The bus service operates from 7:30 AM for the initial departure and runs until 2:30 PM for the final departure.

The majority of buses traveling from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant start their journey at Gare d'autocars de Montréal and wind up at Saint-Jovite - Shell. These are the most popular pick-up and drop-off locations on this route, there are other pick-up and drop-off locations that could make it easier for you to reach your destination.

You can save a lot of money on your trip from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant by choosing to travel by bus. The lowest tickets for this trip cost as little as $32.

The bus ticket costs $32 on average. In the past 30 days, prices have fluctuated between $32 and $32, so it's best to compare them to make sure you get the best deal.

Yes, a day trip from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant is definitely doable. The round-trip travel time is around 5h 40m. So you'll have plenty of time to discover Mont-Tremblant before making your way back to Montreal.

Find cheapest prices for buses

Find cheapest prices for buses

Price is for a one-way ticket for one passenger and based on past searches.

Best price found
The cheapest trip from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant was searched and found on May 13, 2024 with a price of $26

To save money and be sure you have the best seat, it's a good idea to buy your bus tickets from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant, as early as possible.

You can expect to pay from $26 to $27 for a bus ticket from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant based on the last 2 days. You can expect to find the cheapest price for the trip at $26 which is on 2024-05-16.

About Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips

Meet and talk to locals at the bus stations while traveling from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant.There is no better way to get inside travel information while exploring a new city than to go straight to its people.

Start sightseeing the minute your bus leaves the station. If you're on the night bus from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant, get comfy and count the stars.

Taking the bus creates the smallest carbon footprint compared to other modes of transport. Not to mention that buses will allow you to discover scenic gems from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant that are otherwise impossible to come by with a plane.

Tune out to the fine sounds of your best music playlist on your bus trip from Montreal to Mont-Tremblant while indulging in miles on end of beautiful scenic views.

Did you know?

The bus driver with the longest career in the world drove more than 2,000,000 miles and is a happy World Record holder.

Did you know there are on average 4,400 intercity bus departures every day in the US only? This number has been growing for 9 years in a row, yay!

One of the longest bus route in the world goes all the way from Ontario to Alberta in Canada (with the same bus). This trip is 3,435 km or 2,135 miles long and the price is a bit under $100.

Will you be returning to Montreal by bus?

Bus from Mont-Tremblant to Montreal

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