Moneyhub App — Your secure money management app — Moneyhub

Know where you stand with your money

See all of your finances securely in one place and use intelligent tools to achieve your goals.

Why people use Moneyhub

See everything in one place

Put yourself at the centre of your financial universe by bringing together all your bank accounts, credit cards, investments, savings and borrowing.

Keep on track

Set Spending Goals and track your progress, so you can free up extra cash for the things that really matter.

Receive relevant and timely Nudges that give tips on how to save or spend better and help keep you on track to achieve your goals.

Understand your money

How much do you spend on eating out compared to groceries? Moneyhub intuitively categorises your transactions, and Spending Analysis shows you exactly where your money goes each month.

Security at all times

Moneyhub has bank-level authentication and robust security measures to keep your information safe at all times.


What the experts say

"There are plenty of apps that allow users to monitor their spending and manage their money, but Moneyhub has a few additional tricks and remarkably clear design."

Felicity Hannah, Finance Journalist for The Independent

"Moneyhub will not only give a breakdown of where your money is being spent, such as on gas bills or travel but will also give the detail."

Andrew Oxlade, Finance Journalist for The Telegraph

"This is the app for you. It allows users to plan a budget and track where their money is spent, along with tools for taxes, pensions and mortgages."

Abhijeet Ahluwalia, Finance Journalist for The Sunday Times