Sobe Tan Sunless has a lower viscosity than other solutions, so you will need to turn your gun down when spraying. Two full ounces is the recommended amount for each person. As Sobe Tan Sunless does not contain FDC dyes or pigments, you will not see a dark bronzer color on the skin after the spray, just a caramel color guide that will look like a perfect natural tan. Two coats will give your clients a beautiful natural glow. Sobe Tan Sunless is a universal color that works for all skin tones and will develop like a natural tan.
Perfect solution for sensitive skin clients, pregnant clients, for the health aware clients that like everything organic, the allergic ones to alcohols, FD&C dyes, fragrances, and older, drier & damaged skin will love this brand as it is a lot more forgiving with their skin issues, free of chemical preservatives & Erythrulose, as this last one has not been approved by the FDA and it has been proved to be genotoxic we chose to skip on this ingredient.
Therefore, this product only has 6 ingredients, and the chances that they will react are very low compared to other brands, our product contains DHA and if they are allergic to DHA this is not a recommended product for them. Make a patch test if necessary.
Even for the spray tan technicians who have sensitivity to smelling every day these spray tan solutions, this product will not exacerbate their allergies.
- Sobe Tan Sunless has a shelf life of one year. Keep refrigerated to extend the shelf life further.