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Pilates Anatomy;Anatomy Pasta blanda – Print, 20 septiembre 2019
Plazo | Por mes | costo de financiamiento | Total |
24 meses | $31.98* | $222.47 | $767.73 |
18 meses | $39.53* | $166.30 | $711.56 |
12 meses | $55.34* | $118.87 | $664.13 |
9 meses | $70.76* | $91.60 | $636.86 |
6 meses | $102.05* | $67.07 | $612.33 |
3 meses | $196.11* | $43.08 | $588.34 |
Opciones de compra y productos Plus
Choose from 46 exercises to target a particular body region and delve deeper to stretch, strengthen, and finely coordinate specific muscles. See which key muscles are activated, how variations and minor adjustments can influence effectiveness, and how breathing, alignment, and movement are all fundamentally linked as you work to tone the body, stabilize the core, improve balance, and increase flexibility.
Use the Personalize Your Practice section for each exercise to vary your practice and customize your workouts to fit your needs. Here you'll find modifications to make each exercise more accessible when there are limitations such as tight hamstrings or underdeveloped core strength. Variations provide variety, and progressions are offered to add more challenge to each exercise and serve as valuable stepping stones on your journey to more advanced Pilates exercise.
Also included are techniques for breathing, concentration, and self-awareness, providing a unique exercise experience that enhances your body and your mind.
Whether you are just beginning to explore the beauty and benefits of Pilates or have been practicing for years, Pilates Anatomy is a one-of-a-kind resource that you'll refer to again and again.
Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes both the book and exam.
- Número de páginas272 páginas
- IdiomaInglés
- EditorialHuman Kinetics Publishers
- Fecha de publicación20 septiembre 2019
- Edad de lecturaA partir de 18 años
- Dimensiones17.53 x 1.52 x 25.15 cm
- ISBN-101492567701
- ISBN-13978-1492567707
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Descripción del producto
--Nora St. John, Education Program Director for Balanced Body University
"Anatomy is a fundamental science that is absolutely necessary to truly understand human movement. Rael and Karen do an amazing job of bringing anatomy to life for Pilates teachers. This second edition brings the Pilates teacher updated information, including functional muscular and skeletal anatomy combined with planes of movement and the application of anatomy to basic Pilates principles. Rael's ability to bring order to the exercise and its corresponding anatomy is a gift. We are looking forward to adding the second edition of Pilates Anatomy to our must-read list."
--Brent Anderson, PhD, PT, OCS, PMA(R)-CPT, President of Polestar Life Retreats and Southwind Retreat Center
"Karen Clippinger and Rael Isacowitz have done an excellent job of honoring the past of Joseph Pilates' great body of work, acknowledging the present, and forging into the future. The technique cues and exercise notes after each segment in Pilates Anatomy, Second Edition, are invaluable for every student of Pilates, from beginner to advanced."
--Marika Molnar, PT, LAc, FIADMS, Director of Westside Dance Physical Therapy and Clinical Advisor for the PhysicalMind Institute
Biografía del autor
Isacowitz has mastered all levels of the Pilates repertoire and is noted in the industry for his unique athleticism; synthesis of body, mind, and spirit; and passion for teaching. In 1989, he founded Body Arts and Science International (BASI) Pilates, which has developed into one of the foremost Pilates education organizations in the world. BASI Pilates is currently represented in more than 120 host locations spanning over 40 countries.
Isacowitz has authored the definitive book on Pilates (Pilates, Human Kinetics), published a series of workbooks on Pilates apparatus, produced DVDs, conceived designs of equipment manufactured by BASI Systems, and created the groundbreaking Pilates software BASI Interactive. He was a founding board member of the Pilates Method Alliance and is a regular contributor to several industry publications.
Karen Clippinger is a professor emerita at California State University-Long Beach, where she taught for 19 years. Her courses included functional anatomy for dance, body placement, and Pilates. She also taught anatomy and kinesiology courses at other prestigious universities such as UCLA and Scripps College, as well as Pilates teacher training programs for Body Arts and Science International (BASI).
Clippinger holds a master's degree in exercise science from the University of Washington. Before joining academia, she worked as a clinical kinesiologist for 20 years at Loma Linda University Medical Center and several sports medicine clinics in Seattle. She has worked with a wide range of clients and consulted for the U.S. Weightlifting Federation, the U.S. race walking team, Pacific Northwest Ballet, and the Danish Wounded Warrior Project.
Clippinger is a highly respected international speaker who has given over 400 presentations, including at conferences for BASI Pilates, Balanced Body, Pilates Alliance of Australasia, and Pilates Method Alliance. Clippinger was an exercise columnist for Shape magazine for four years and has authored numerous other articles, several book chapters, and the textbook Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology.
Detalles del producto
- Editorial : Human Kinetics Publishers; Edición 2nd ed. (20 septiembre 2019)
- Idioma : Inglés
- Pasta blanda : 272 páginas
- ISBN-10 : 1492567701
- ISBN-13 : 978-1492567707
- Edad de lectura : A partir de 18 años
- Dimensiones : 17.53 x 1.52 x 25.15 cm
- Clasificación en los más vendidos de Amazon: nº50,580 en Libros (Ver el Top 100 en Libros)
- nº86 en Anatomía (Libros)
- nº107 en Anatomía para Profesionales (Libros)
- nº122 en Fisiología (Libros)
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- 5 estrellas4 estrellas3 estrellas2 estrellas1 estrella2 estrellas85%11%3%1%0%1%
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bfamComentado en los Estados Unidos el 23 de enero de 2025
5.0 de 5 estrellas Great info
This book is full of easy to understand instruction and pictures for examples. Very nice book. I did however return it as I meant to order a reformer book and this is specific to floor/mat work.
Dial BComentado en el Reino Unido el 17 de junio de 2024
5.0 de 5 estrellas THE go-to Pilates book
Highly recommended book on pilates, if you are only investing in one thing, this is it. Swift delivery too.
Bilji CherianComentado en India el 9 de junio de 2020
1.0 de 5 estrellas Not great
The content is absolutely great, but the rating of one star is for the Kindle version as the pages are missing in between, wasn't expecting this from Amazon , please look into ASAP.
Kindle CustomerComentado en Australia el 6 de septiembre de 2024
5.0 de 5 estrellas Great
Great informative book
Amazon CustomerComentado en Canadá el 3 de diciembre de 2023
5.0 de 5 estrellas Good Book
Quick delivery, faster than ordering from human kinetics and price a bit cheaper.