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Product code: 15903709 / 322076
Simply the best camp stove on the planet
Fastest brew I’ve ever made outdoors. Even on a windy beach.
Absolutely brilliant. First time using this kind of stove and I'm so impressed. Its very safe, efficient and fast. Would highly recommend.
Last review not printed by Go Outdoors. So I contacted MSR weeks ago. No reply. The threads are poor on the gas attachment and the cup got wedged on so I had to destroy it to get it off.Using Primus.
Having used several different types of stove over many years there has always been a draw back - the wind. Although this stove is in the upper price range it is worth every penny! I have used it in a variety of locations generally with a moderate wind. There is no need to find shelter all you do is set it up, turn on the gas and light. The boil time is incredible and wind makes no difference whatsoever. It packs away neatly, weighs less than most other stoves and is just a great piece of kit. I can fully recommend this to anyone wanting a really great stove.
I originally thought these stove types to be a bit gimmicky, but after borrowing my friends, it was a must have. Easy set up, use and cleaning. What more would you want? Bigger pot? No problem, there’s a range of pots and skillets including a 4.5ltr stock pot available. You can also use burner to heat your other pots, but will benefit from a pot stand or hanger in that case. I use this more than my other stoves now on short trips due to size and convenience.
Gteat bit of kit, good price from go outdoors!