Newly arrived in the town of Miradero, city girl Lucky struggles to fit in at school but befriends a wild stallion after he is wrangled for taming.
Headstrong Lucky persuades Pru to give her a crash course in horseback riding so she and Spirit can participate in the annual Saddle Club race.
On her first camping trip, Lucky decides to decode her dad's old treasure map, then sneaks off with Abigail, Pru and Spirit to find the fortune.
Desperate to be Student of the Month, Lucky teams with Maricela to create a booth for a school fundraiser, pitting herself against Pru and Abigail.
As Lucky and saddlemaker Turo plot to help a horse neglected by his cruel owner, Lucky's dad works to fix a cracked dam before disaster strikes.
Determined to throw Pru the best surprise birthday party ever, Lucky enlists Abigail's help in planning the event, which quickly gets out of hand.
Eager to follow in her mother's footsteps, Lucky gets lessons in trick riding from dashing young performer Javier.
When Abigail's prize cherry pie goes missing, Lucky draws inspiration from her favorite book sleuth and plays detective with her pals.
Lucky's visiting cousin, Julian, charms her friends with his exciting schemes, but Lucky worries that he's up to no good.
At the harvest scavenger hunt, Julian bets a day of chores that he and the other boys will find the scarecrow prize before Lucky and the other girls.
When a blizzard threatens to derail the town's Christmas celebrations, Lucky and her pals organize a secret "Santa's elves" gift-giving campaign.
Lucky and Maricela join forces when a train carrying flu medicine crashes during a blizzard and they're the only ones healthy enough to help.
Determined to join a men-only horse race, Lucky poses as a man. But with vicious Grayson as her main rival, the contest soon takes a dangerous turn.
Spirit's a wild stallion, but he can't bear the thought of being away from Lucky -- which means he'll do anything to find his way back home.
As a mare in Spirit's herd prepares to give birth, Lucky enrolls Pru and Abigail in Prescott's Charm School to get them ready for the Governor's Ball.
The girls plan a risky mission to free a wrongly detained Tuckapaw teen from a speeding train and reunite him with his trusty horse.
After the kids at school tease her about being "teacher's pet," Lucky sets out to prove them wrong by stirring up trouble on an overnight field trip.
When a rumbling earthquake takes out a railroad bridge, Lucky and her friends must find a way to warn the passengers aboard a fast-approaching train.
A potentially big payoff goes off the rails when Lucky and her pals find gold and enlist the help of Lucky's crafty cousin, Julian.
Lucky and the girls help Aunt Cora back into the saddle to prepare for an upcoming ride. A mountain lion threatens Spirit's herd.
While Spirit heals from an injury, Lucky assists a sidelined Winthrop at his store by dishing up ice cream -- and advice -- with mixed results.
Lucky's over the moon about the O-Mok-See she has planned for her 13th birthday ... until her wealthy grandpa rolls into town with his own ideas.
Lucky and her dad are doing their best to keep things running smoothly at home. But everything's a disaster without Aunt Cora -- even the school play!
Lucky's so desperate to stop Aunt Cora from leaving Miradero that she'll stoop to anything (even goosenapping!) to keep her in town.
Miss Flores feels out of place when a traveling circus brings Lucky closer to her mother than ever before. A rival horse steps up to challenge Spirit.
Lucky's proud to follow in her mother's footsteps when a young circus star can't perform. But it feels like her father's putting Miss Flores first.
After learning Lucky's run off to join the circus, Pru and Abigail set out to find their friend and bring her back home.
Lucky vows to protect her circus family from a shadowy bandit on the loose. Meanwhile, Pru conquers her stage fright -- and finds her calling.
When the troupe stops in a town that doesn't trust circus folk, Lucky and her friends stage a secret performance for the kids who can't see the show.
The PALs return to big changes in Miradero, and one of the biggest is Maricela ... on a bicycle! Later, Lucky gives Miss Flores some riding tips.
Luckyโs dying for a little excitement when Pru's dad invites the PALs on a real-live mustang drive. But she gets way more than she wanted!
Lucky and her friends are getting older. So instead of trick-or-treating, they come up with an elaborate plan to scare Snips for Halloween.
A PALs adventure takes a dangerous turn when the girls try to deliver a returned wedding invitation to the orphanage where Miss Flores grew up.
When hot times hit Miradero, every well in town dries up -- except for Grayson's. So where's he getting his water? The PALs hatch a plan to find out.
Pru's in charge while her dad is away, and she's desperate to prove she's responsible. Aunt Cora helps Kate find the perfect wedding dress.
The PALs are determined to become official Frontier Fillies. But Snips -- and a dangerous dust storm -- will put all their skills to the test.
Lucky's got a list of New Year's resolutions -- and only one day left to complete them! Cue an old friend riding into town with a big surprise.
Lucky convinces her cousin's friends that her house holds a set of shrunken heads. Kate gives Lucky a special gift before the wedding.
Everything's going wrong on wedding day, and it seems like the big day is cursed. Can Lucky and her friends save Jim and Kate from disaster?
While a patient Kate waits at the altar, Spirit and the PALs spring into action to stop a speeding train -- with support from a surprising ally.
Lucky's scheming cousin, Julian, is up to his old tricks when he goes to the city to find his future and comes back with a hot air balloon.
April Fools' Day begins with Lucky and her friends playing pranks on all their classmates. But it ends with a very big surprise!
Lucky's so eager to prove she's responsible that she volunteers to be Snips's big sister for the day. After all, how hard could it be?
Snowy tracks point the PALs to an injured traveler -- and the realization that he wasn't alone. Can they find his young daughter before it's too late?
After the PALs accidentally break Grayson's window, Abigail's determined to turn him into a friend. But he doesn't seem to want any part of it.
To help their daughters become full-fledged Frontier Fillies, Jim and Al design an obstacle course that puts all of the PALs' skills to the test.
When a huge storm sparks danger for a wild herd, Jim and Spirit ride off to the rescue, leaving a very pregnant Kate in Lucky's care.
A confident Pru can't wait to prove herself in the ring at a prestigious riding competition. But Lucky's convinced someone's setting her up to lose.
The PALs team up to take care of Lucky's new baby sister, Polly -- and an adorable wolf cub they found in the wild. What could possibly go wrong?
A career day at school finds Lucky and her friends shadowing adults with interesting jobs. But Lucky has so many passions, it's hard to pick just one!
First impressions are everything at a big-city interview that could make or break Lucky's chances of going to boarding school.
The PALs pack their belongings and prepare to leave Miradero behind. But is Spirit coming along for the ride ... or staying home?