We’ve partnered with healthebay to help keep our coastlines safe, healthy, and clean. 🌊🤍 This past weekend, our community worked together to collect 69 pounds of waste at our beach cleanup.
Help make the earth a little cleaner by sending back five Summer Fridays empties in exchange for a $25 e-gift card.
Visit the link in bio to learn more!
If someone asks, this is where I’ll be, where I’ll be…
⚜️Integrating elements of past lifestyles into future designs offers a valuable opportunity to enhance the quality of life in modern times. The simplicity, sustainability, and sense of community that characterized earlier eras provide a counterbalance to today’s often overwhelming pace and technological saturation. By embracing traditional practices such as slower, more intentional living, communal activities, and natural resource conservation, we can create environments that foster well-being and connection. Incorporating these timeless principles can lead to a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle that honors past wisdom while innovatively addressing contemporary needs. #trenopia
Photo by businessandpleasure_co
#lifestyle #stylish #travel #travelling #discover #winter #explore #discovery #tourist #hotels #holiday #hotel #luxury #luxurylifestyle #nature #tropical #outdoor #adventure #stylish #city #earth #world #photooftheday #photo #building #design #creative #vintage
dream life with my dream boys 💛
Pretty in pink ⛱️🌸💕 #beachbabesbutler #capecodsummer #luxurypicnic #provincetown #lgbtqownedbusiness #womenownedbusiness #beachpicnic businessandpleasure_co
Enjoying my small piece of paradise 🏖️🌴☀️✨🌺🌸🌼
#pool #poolparty #pooltime #swim #swimming #summer #summertime #summervibes #patio #paradise
Your forever starts here. #beachbabesbutler #beachwedding #provincetown #luxurypicnic #beachpicnic #capecod #womenownedbusiness #lgbtqownedbusiness http://www.stephaniemotyka.com/
almost two is so many things but I couldn’t love this stage more. a few things I never want to forget…
• “I dood it myself”
• her exclaiming “OH MY GOSH” for even the most minor inconvenience or mishap like her shoe strap not going on right when she puts her shoes on herself or her band aids fall all over the place when opening the getwelly container
• her affinity for said band aids
• her “cheersing” at every opportunity… coffee in the AM (oat milk over ice with organic cinnamon powder for her), wearing sandals together, eating a meal together, you name it, we cheers it
• her counting to ten for the first time on our way to Palm Desert for our first family vacation
• her clacking around in my heels
• random “kiss” & “and hug” whether it’s playing outside, across the dinner table or just walking by while playing
• her sweet pronunciation for words.. “lawn monet” for “lawn mower”, “pop-sick” for “popsicle”, “poi poi” for “rolly pollie”
• when daddy says “guess what” she always responds with “daddy loves you!” 🥹 and he says “how do you know?!” and she goes “I’m so smart!”
• thinking any man, of any age, with a beard is “Santa”
• can’t ever forget “rock shoe”… her immediate exclamation for when a pebble or dirt from the DG in our backyard gets in her shoe
• her signature busy girl walk like she owns every place she sets foot in
• her unbridled joy
• and lastly… the toddler snuggles I get to soak in after bath or post-beach (the best)
almost two is so special.
#motherhood #sloanejamesbeckley #temecula #girlmama
Great start to a great week in OBX 🌞🌊🦆 #orourkbx
Just having a look through businessandpleasure_co mid winter sale and noticed the Tommy Chairs in Antique White and Sage Stripe on sale. They are soooo practical with backpack straps for getting down to the beach or going poolside and zip pocket so you don't lose your sunscreen in the sand, just perfect 🧡🤍🧡
I'm already thinking about summer (and Christmas 😁)
$20 off for friends x See my story.
#poolfurniture #thetommychair #pool #pooldesign #businessandpleasure #poolchairs #beachchairs #photoshoothouse #photoshootlocation #shootlocation #noosaphotoshoot #photooftheday #photography #models #influencer #fashionbrand #instadog #instagram #instagood #instafashion #dogsofinstagram #dogs #labradoodlesofinstagram
Ending the work week with an evening swim. Photo credit camrynclairphoto
first beach camping trip in the books | june 2024 🐚🌊🪵
s u m m e r ☀️⛱️🕶️🍦🏝️
#pausebutton #reset #familytime #vacay