Exclusive Lyrics for Your Music

Discover Over 5400 Original Song Lyrics by 330+ Authors

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Our excellent choice of lyrics

Welcome to PREMIUM LYRICS – your premier source for original song lyrics. Dive into a world of real emotions, from love to hate, joy to guilt, all penned by over 330 talented human songwriters.

Our lyrics are handpicked for originality and quality to inspire and enrich your music production. Here, you'll find no AI-generated content – only pure human creativity.

Our selection process is rigorous: We ensure that each lyric is authentic and of high quality. PREMIUM LYRICS is more than just a lyric library – it's a hub for musicians and composers seeking inspiration and looking to protect their creative rights.

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Original Works

Need lyrics professionally, or even just for fun? PREMIUM LYRICS is an international library of original song lyrics. In our online lyrics library you will find what you are looking for.

Rhyming, non-rhyming, sad or chilling – there is a wide choice of lyrics available to suit every song scenario.

Fair licensing

Depending on the intended purpose (for private use or full commercial exploitation, for example), we will provide a license (starting at $ 5.00) to suit what you need.

Currently, we offer works from authors who are not members of a copyright collection society or any kind of Performance Rights Organization (PRO) e. g. GEMA, AKM, SUISA, BMI, PRS, ASCAP. In this respect the works concerned are "non-PRO works". Find out more here.

We're looking for lyricists!

We're always on the look-out for exciting and original lyricists to work with here at PREMIUM LYRICS. Do you have what it takes?

Apply here to become a lyricist now!







A selection of our lyricists

Platform for the collaboration of musicians and artists

PREMIUM LYRICS claims to become the world's largest original song lyrics library. A platform where songwriters and musicians from all countries meet. Not every lyricist is a good musician and not every composer can write good song lyrics. The best results are achieved if everyone does what they can do best and incredible amazing new things can arise. At PREMIUM LYRICS, musicians and songwriters simply come together. Get started now - write new songs making the world a somewhat better place!

New Lyrics

Riding The Comet

By Steven Soucy

This lyric means everything and nothing at the same time;)

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Erst war ´s keine, dann war ´s eine

By NiS

"Man muss das Leben eben nehmen - wie das Leben eben ist", Schlager (könnte "fröhlich-wütend" gesungen werden - oder einfach, wie es der Sänger empfindet...)

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Better Than Before

By Zachary Stump

a song about how no matter how much you want to work things out with the one you love, the one you want to be better for....sometimes its all for not

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By Karianne Gabaldon

A song about a breakup.

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Latest Blog Post

Discover the PREMIUM LYRICS Difference: Where True Talent Shines

2024-01-17 About us


Hey music lovers and creators! Have you ever found yourself sifting through countless lyrics, only to be disappointed by the lack of soul and depth? We've been there, and that's exactly why PREMIUM LYRICS is changing the game.

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