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The unique quality of a glass baroque pearl is celebrated in this pair of drop earrings, which is suspended from a nautilus. Finished in high-polish gold.
14k gold dipped brass glass pearl finish: high polish ball backing Earrings168.00// Jewelry283802304677All Products615886750062Cool Pearls284805857445Earrings308739604645Exchanges290489925797Gifts Under $200616082637166Going Out Earrings210197959Gold291117236389GWP Qualifier614088409454Must-Have Earrings57324142696NEW PEARLS286366990501Shop JB306274140325Summer Collection294080381093The Pearl Edit292673061029The Vacation Edit
The unique quality of a glass baroque pearl is celebrated in this pair of drop earrings, which is suspended from a nautilus. Finished in high-polish gold.
14k gold dipped brass glass pearl finish: high polish ball backing
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