Beware! This book may get your heart going faster if you love the outdoors! Some of the items he mentions are difficult or impossible to get now, but he does show how to manufacture most of it. Somehow his writing bypasses the brain and goes straight to the heart. And it is not preaching to the converted! He covers just about everything needed with a subtle sense of humor. He simplifies the "how-to" and puts the love back...
If you feel that you have to spend every dollar that you earn on the latest outdoor gear in order to enjoy the outdoors, this book may not be for you. Bill Mason communicates to the reader that anyone can go out and enjoy the beauty of the natural world and that some of the more modern day, expensive outdoor equipment may be left at home when safety isn't a factor. Throughout the book I feel as if Bill Mason is actually...
Bill Mason was one of the best writers on canoeing period. He uses humor throughout the book and gives canoeists and campers of all kinds practical tips on the outdoors, canoeing and life in general. I highly recommend this book as an addition to anyone's library. Especially those of us who enjoy canoeing and understanding others' thoughts on the outdoors.
A few years ago, I stumbled upon this book. At the time, I had some river canoeing experience, and they left me wanting to do more, but I was hesitant because I honestly didn't feel I knew enough about canoeing, I didn't know anyone else who knew any more than I did, and I didn't have the spare dollars to hire someone who did. This book solved my problem. Mason covers just about everything related to caoeing, and he does...
Bill's love for Canada and his passion for camping in the wild come through gloriously in this loving look at outdoor tripping and living. It's chock full of tips and stories and quite honestly is my favourite camping and canoeing book by far.