Product Name: Korean Samgaetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup) Ingredients 3.5oz / 100g
Subtitle: Traditional Herbal Ingredients for Healthy Samgaetang
Product Description:
Samgaetang is a traditional Korean chicken soup known for boosting immunity and enhancing physical stamina. This Samgaetang ingredient set includes traditional herbal ingredients such as ginseng, jujube, and astragalus, allowing you to easily prepare a nutritious and delicious Samgaetang at home. Made with 100% natural ingredients, it’s a perfect meal for health.
Key Features:
How to Use:
Add 100g of the Samgaetang ingredients to one whole chicken and simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours. Add ginseng, jujube, and garlic for a richer flavor.