
  • illustration of human figure raking up computer code

    The rapid development of generative AI has brought about a paradigm shift in content creation, knowledge representation and communication. This Focus explores the new opportunities AI tools offer for science and society. Our authors also confront the numerous challenges intelligent machines pose and explore strategies to tackle them.

  • Pencils of many different colours

    Lack of diversity, equity and inclusion is harmful both for individual scientists and the scientific enterprise as a whole. The contributions in this collection highlight problems and propose solutions on how to make science more equitable, inclusive and diverse for the benefit of all.


  • Mobility data can help to reconstruct infectious disease dynamics and tailor control and elimination measures. We describe three challenges and opportunities to improve our understanding of human mobility for infectious disease research. We call for simulation and modelling, reporting guidelines and investment in data repositories.

    • Natalya Kostandova
    • Ronan Corgel
    • Amy Wesolowski
  • Psychology is fragmented into the study of a myriad of constructs and measures, most of which are used very rarely. This hinders cumulative knowledge generation. We call on the field to defragment psychology and prevent further fragmentation. We provide four key recommendations to achieve this and summarize the needed actions.

    • Farid Anvari
    • Taym Alsalti
    • Ruben C. Arslan
  • In this Comment, Emily Jones discusses what we can learn from archaeology about climate change resilience. The effects of climate change are complex, and successful adaptations in the past responded to local conditions. This suggests that collaborative, place-based research is key to resilience to future climate change.

    • Emily Lena Jones
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives do not always translate across different contexts. Hye Yun Kang highlights the complexities of implementing DEI policies across cultures.

    • Hye Yun Kang
    World View
  • Understanding when and why laypeople adopt predictive algorithms is key to aligning technology with user needs. I propose that adoption is driven by performance expectations (as algorithms are tools designed to aid users) and outline when laypeople are likely to adopt algorithms, given their distinctive performance goals.

    • Berkeley J. Dietvorst
  • The growth of artificial intelligence (AI) in Africa faces a key challenge: a lack of quality data. This Comment explores datasets in agriculture, health and energy, and advocates for Afrocentric data that reflect African experiences.

    • Jerry John Kponyo
    • Francis Kemausuor
    • Rachel Yayra Adjoe
