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Take to the skies over Sydney Harbour and surrounds for a breathtaking 20 minute shared helicopter flight. You will be spoilt with panoramic views of the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Bondi Beach and Sydney's spectacular harbour and skyline.
Your helicopter flight experience begins with a warm greeting and check-in by the operations staff, followed by a comprehensive safety briefing. Within five minutes, your pilot will have you flying past icons including the Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Taronga Zoo, Watsons Bay, Rose Bay, Manly Cove, Bondi Beach, Coogee Beach and Maroubra Beach. You'll also enjoy fascinating commentary from your pilot throughout the flight via voice activated headsets. Cameras and video recorders can be taken with you on the helicopter to capture this amazing memory.
The experience provider operates Robinson helicopters that have a maximum seat limitation of 135kg (297lbs) and 180kg combined for couples. Passengers in excess of this weight will be required to upgrade to a private flight and will incur additional associated costs.
This is not a private flight. You may or may not have other people flying with you.
In the event of inclement weather, the flight will proceed, if it is safe to do so. If however, visibility is too low, rain is too heavy or the winds are too strong for the flight to operate safely, it will be cancelled and rescheduled.
An infant is a passenger who has not yet reached his or her 2nd birthday. Infants will not be carried in company aircraft unless accompanied by one parent or a responsible adult. The infant may be carried in the arms of, or on the lap of the adult passenger, in an approved infant seat, or in a bassinet for the duration of the flight.Infants will not be carried in company aircraft on shared flights. If flying with infants the aircraft must be booked on a private basis for additional cost. A child is a passenger who has reached their 2nd but not their 13th birthday, and will occupy their own seat on the aircraft, they must be accompanied by an adult on the flight
This experience departs from Mascot, NSW.