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Witness countless grandiose and incredibly beautiful moments during this unforgettable whale watching cruise on the Gold Coast. Onboard a luxury yacht, you will gaze at majestic humpback whales frolic, breach and jump out of the water from up close. Morning tea is provided on arrival.
Prepare to be awestruck during this extraordinary whale watching cruise on the Gold Coast. On arrival, you will board the Sun Goddess, a 34 metre luxury yacht and be treated to a delicious morning tea including tea, coffee and biscuits. Once comfortable, you will then cruise out into the open ocean, leaving the sparkling city behind. Throughout the winter months, these waters play host to pods of humpback whales migrating up the east coast of Australia, from Antarctica to the warmer waters of tropical North Queensland to breed. You'll be amazed as you watch these gentle giants breach and frolic in the water just metres away, a truly unforgettable moment. Watch out for other animals like dolphins, sea turtles and seabirds along the way.
Minimum number of passengers is required to run this tour.
This Cruise is weather dependent and may be cancelled by Boattime due to weather and dangerous tides. Boattime will endeavour to give as much notice of cancellation via SMS text message and email. All cancelled cruises can be rebooked for an alternate available service.
A warm jacket and sunglasses are recommended.
COVID19: The boat is cleaned/disinfected prior to and after each cruise. Hand sanitiser is available throughout the boat for use by the crew and passengers. If instructed, temperatures will be taken prior to and at the conclusion of each cruise. This experience runs with a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 100 participants. Due to COVID19 restrictions, these numbers may be subject to variations.
This experience takes place in Main Beach, QLD.