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Go jet boating in the adventure capital of Australia, the Gold Coast. Experience it for yourself! Jump aboard one of the powerful turbo charged jet boats for an adrenalin-packed ride, full 360-degree spins, slides and shallow water skimming.
Brace yourself and hold on for an exhilarating, 55-minute jet boat thrill ride on the beautiful Gold Coast Broadwater. Take in the sights of the waterfront mansions, sandbanks and pristine beaches. Experience pure adrenaline high speed and more 360-degree spins than you can imagine as you spin, slide and jet your way pass Southport Yacht Club, Versace Hotel, and SeaWorld.
The price quoted is for 2 adults.
Please note that your jet boat ride cannot take place in extreme weather conditions like lightening or heavy rain
Casual comfortable, something that you are prepared to get wet in!
Professional photos are taken of your experience, these can be purchased after the experience.
This experience takes place in the Heart of Surfers Paradise, QLD.