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The TreeTop Challenge at Tamborine Mountain is Australia’s largest High Ropes Adventure Park with more than 120 TreeTop activities and 13 ziplines! Our Adventure Park is designed for the entire family aged 8 and up. You do not need any experience and it’s perfect for all fitness levels!
The TreeTop Challenge at Tamborine Mountain is Australia’s largest High Ropes Adventure Park with more than 120 TreeTop activities and 13 ziplines! Our Adventure Park is designed for the entire family aged 8 and up. You do not need any experience and it’s perfect for all fitness levels! The obstacles and ziplines are spread across 8 courses, ranging from easy through to heart-pumping extreme. You are able to work through all courses at your own pace. Jump, grab, pull and leap through the green level as you build confidence and work your way up to the super challenging black course. To complete the Adventure Park in its entirety, allow 3 hours, giving you enough time to experience an amazing adventure, flying through the trees, conquering your fears and having a whole lot of fun! Your unforgettable adventure awaits!
This experience is part of the responsible range because they are ECO certified by Ecotourism Australia.
Maximum weight limit: 120kg Minimum height requirement: Must be able to reach 160cm to the palm of your hands stretched above your head.
This voucher is valid for 1 adult. Instructors are placed all over the course so the participants are monitored at every stage of the course. Other participants will be on the course at the same time, however it is designed for each person to go at their own pace.
Spectators are welcome free of charge.
Management reserves the right to close the park in case of bad weather. If weather conditions prove to be unsafe such as hail, high winds or lightning the course may be closed temporarily.
Knee length shorts are best with running/ enclosed shoes. Wear athletic attire, just as you would while exercising.
* Participants must reach 160cm from heels to middle of outstretched hands to enter the Green, Purple and Red Courses. Guests that can reach 180cm are able to complete the advance Blue and Black Course. * Must bring a sense of adventure and willing to have the best experience this year!*
This experience takes place in Thunderbird Park, Tamborine National Park, QLD.